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Proven Leadership during tough times



Ce-Ce was elected to Allentown City Council in 2019. Within her first two months, she introduced legislation forming the Commission on Homelessness. As the nation and the city grappled with COVID19, demands for racial justice and uncertain economic times, Ce-Ce took the lead on legislation for affordable housing, assisting small businesses and supporting our paramedics and firefighters. She understands that true leadership is tested during times of challenge and controversy. Ce-Ce has never stopped standing with and standing up for Allentown residents.

Ce-Ce graduated from Cedar Crest College with a degree in Elementary Education. As the first person in her family to finish high school and graduate from college, Ce-Ce understands the life-changing impact that a quality education has for a person, their family and their community. After graduating, Ce-Ce decided to give back to her community by working with youth at the Allentown Boys and Girls Club and other non-profits in the Lehigh Valley.  

She watched young people drop out of school, struggle to learn English, and attend crumbling schools. Ce-Ce ran for Allentown School Board in 2011 and became the youngest member ever elected at that time. She was a fierce advocate for Allentown families during her time on the Board. She voted against school cuts, led the fight to restore the arts, save the Newcomer Academy and graduation programs for students at risk of dropping out.      Ce-Ce fought for the lowest paid employees to earn a living wage and brought back English as a second language teachers to work with students. Ce-Ce has never been afraid to be the voice of dissention and is a tireless advocate for Allentown families.

Ce-Ce took on developers and corrupt politicians. She stood with residents as they fought for a community benefits agreement that would bring tangible benefits to the neighborhoods surrounding the hockey arena. She then led the “Allentown Jobs First” effort to ensure that Allentown residents would have the first opportunity to apply for the new jobs downtown. Ce-Ce then fought for politicians and developers to pass an inclusionary zoning ordinance, which would increase the number of affordable homes built in Allentown. Again, Ce-Ce wasn’t afraid to take on the tough issues even when they were politically unpopular.

She now works for a statewide social justice organization and operates a concessions business. She is a proud first-time homeowner in Center City and enjoys spending time with her Mom, her God-Daughter’s, their children and her four pets. 

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