We must be organized. We must stay together. What happens to one of us effects all of us.
Organizations are on the ground fighting and preparing for these next four years.

Inclusionary Zoning
Housing for working class people
As luxury and above market housing is built, developers must include a percentage of workforce units for low- and moderate-income households. Developers receive incentives that offset their costs and expediate the process.
More than 900 jurisdictions across 25 states have inclusionary housing programs.
Rent Stabilization
The rent is too damn high
Limits how much a landlord can increase rent in a given period and set conditions for when and how much they can raise rents.
More than 180 jurisdictions throughout the nation have adopted rent stabilization policies of some kind. Allentown must pressure state lawmakers to adopt a statewide rent stabilization.
Land Bank
Land banks take vacant, abandoned, and tax delinquent properties and put them into productive use which can include affordable housing and homeownership opportunities